Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Shakshouka (Eggs Poached in Tomato Sauce)

Ovo-veg (Ovo-lacto if you use a cheese, like feta)

photo credit and recipe: Indulge & Devour
This is such an easy, fun and satisfying dish.

I've made it adding any ol' kind of veg:

- just stagger the cooking times (eg. grated carrot can go in with the onions, sweet peppers need only a few minutes if you like them a bit crisp, heavier sprouts like soybean are a nice addition stirred in just before the eggs are cracked in, leafy greens arranged on top around the eggs, to steam once the lid is on)

- this dish benefits from veggies cut into similar-sized small piece: eg the soybean sprouts were delish, but I will chop them up next time, so they get integrated into the tomato stew.

1 comment:

  1. I'm drooling here... This just looks so delicious! (As all the other foods on this blog!)
